Cooke Aquaculture Donation to Shetland Youth Clubs

Staff at the 2018 Shetland Xmas party raised the magnificent sum of £2009 for local good causes. That amount was then doubled by Cooke Aquaculture and donated to 4 youth groups at Westside, Yell & Unst. Pictured at the presentation are members from the youth clubs, Dave Bugh our Operations Manager in Shetland, and Michelle Johnson, Technical Manager. A big …

Mid Yell School Winter Clothing Donation

It can get chilly at this time of year, so we were pleased to be able to make a donation to Mid Yell school. The donation covered the cost of clothing for the children to wear when they’re taking part in outdoor activities. Pictured below is our Shetland Area Manager, David Brown & Technical Manager, Michelle Johnson, who went along …

Stirling University Aquaculture Students Visit Furnace Hatchery

Andy Young, Site Manager at Furnace, recently hosted a visit from Msc students studying Aquaculture at Stirling University. The students were given a complete tour of the facility by Andy, which they all found very interesting For those interested, the Aquaculture Students’ Association are holding a careers day at the University of Stirling on 20th May 2019. This offers a …